Staying at home 4Staying at home 4
#uskathome Ink, watercolour and gel pen. Unlike dogs who can rest immobile for hours, cats are rarely still for more than a few minutes, even when they are asleep. Marigold
#uskathome Ink, watercolour and gel pen. Unlike dogs who can rest immobile for hours, cats are rarely still for more than a few minutes, even when they are asleep. Marigold
A view from my living room window. #uskathome from Blogger Related Images:
Pen and ink and watercolour. Too much back-light for me to show this with the subject, so you will just have to take my word for it. The four hibiscus
As we are all stuck at home any way, I am going to try to post something with the #uskathome tag every day. Here, yet again, is Maddie. via Blogger
12”X12” acrylic on canvas It looks as if the “Small Feats” fundraiser may have to be cancelled or postponed. This would be a shame as I know it is a
12″X12” Acrylic on canvas Here is another square foot painting, possibly for submission to Small Feats, the annual Niagara Artists Centre show and fundraiser. We shall see. Sts. Cyril and
12″X12” Acrylic on canvas I have started working on some paintings for NAC’s annual “Small Feats” fundraiser. Here is the first, perhaps not quite finished but nearly there. I am
I have been getting very bored with my style, materials and subjects, so I decided to experiment with some printmaking again. The cat is based on one of my many
6″X8″ oil on board Here is another one I painted a couple of years ago and never posted. So many of these Niagara orchards have been ripped out and replaced
6″X8″ Oil on board A couple of years ago the Niagara Artists’ Centre annual fundraiser Small Feats experimented with offering smaller, 6”X8”, paintings as well as the usual square foot