Harriet’s ChurchHarriet’s Church
12″X12” Acrylic on canvas Urban, but not a sketch. This is another I have been working on for the “Small Feats” fundraiser, now postponed indefinitely. The Salem Chapel, or British
12″X12” Acrylic on canvas Urban, but not a sketch. This is another I have been working on for the “Small Feats” fundraiser, now postponed indefinitely. The Salem Chapel, or British
12″X12” Acrylic on canvas Here is another square foot painting, possibly for submission to Small Feats, the annual Niagara Artists Centre show and fundraiser. We shall see. Sts. Cyril and
12″X12” Acrylic on canvas I have started working on some paintings for NAC’s annual “Small Feats” fundraiser. Here is the first, perhaps not quite finished but nearly there. I am